Also I am very aware of just how freakishly sore my lower back is going to be tomorrow. Oh god, it will be bad. Very, very bad. I stepped to the next weight up for my kettlebell today (from 24lbs to 35 lbs), which is something for which it was definitely time. But this was the workout (or rather, the version I did):
75 KettleBell swings
with 5 burpees every minute on the minute (till you finish the KB swings)
1000 meter row
(time: 13:35)
That's a lot of KB swings at a new weight. And riding home (the ride is getting easier, yay!) my lower back started screaming in pain. Tomorrow may suck lots.
And a foot update! Because for no apparent reason I feel that all blog posts are better with photos.
My toe is broken! Totes broken! I got the x-rays to prove it (only because I've never actually broken a bone before and I wanted to be sure). So that means I get to keep on rowing/walking instead of running. Which I don't mind, because I dislike running, but I'm pretty sure that will come back to bite me in the ass when it comes to catching back up to the TM team. Here's a picture of my buddy-tape recovery method (pretty much the only method available for fixing a broken pinky-toe):
The other foot update is that I got a pair of wonderful new shoes on Saturday after our Discovery Park workout. They are utterly adorable and the most comfortable things to ever grace my feet (and that's including all the very nice slippers I've worn over the years). They are called Lemings (Stem is the old brand name, these are apparently a vintage model) and they're barefoot running/exercising shoes. (FYI there's an entirely barefoot running store in Seattle, called Born to Run, and it is awesome.) I can literally roll them up the sole is so flexible. I wore them today at crossfit and they felt great. :D
And now, with my first weekday of spring break (and perhaps the only night I'll have to myself), I am off to do dishes, laundry, make myself some eggs, watch some k-dramas, and learn how to dance like T-ara (yes, pronounced "tiara"). Because holy-hell, I'm so excited for JKPop night in Seattle that I can hardly stand it, and this is the group dance they're encouraging us to learn ^_^
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