Monday, November 14, 2011

6 Week Challenge

Inspired by this at NerdFitness:

"a challenge, you say?
yes, a challenge! we're asking you to take a look at your life and figure out what areas you want to level up. then, you set goals to help you get the EXP needed to get to the next level.

alrighty then, how does this all work?
simple! just follow these easy steps below: first, look over your life. figure out 3 diet and fitness goals and 1 life levelling goal. the life goal can be in any area you want - finances, organization, bee keeping... whatever you want.

wait, just 3? or can i have more?
you can have as many as you want, but remember the more goals you have, the more overwhelming everything can get, and the more likely you are to fail. its better to be successful at less than to fail at everything, right?

ok, but i don't know how to set goals!
Well, that's fine! We can teach you. First, Steve has a post here:
But basically, you want your goals to be SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
So you need to be looking to accomplish something specific (like, say, a push up), you need to be able to measure your progress, it needs to be something you CAN attain (like a weight loss goal of 50lbs in 6 weeks is NOT realistic or attainable, so a bad goal), and timely - it needs to be able to be able to be accomplished in 6 weeks.

ok, i picked my goals, now what!
take a photo and starting measurements. you dont have to post the photo, but it keeps you more accountable that you do. then, every day (or however often you want, but its more successful if you do it every day) update your thread with your progress. at the end of the challenge, you'll give yourself a grade on how you did, and we'll pick a winner out of everyone!
oh. but that sounds like it requires work.
not going to lie. it does. and it can be hard, but in the end, it's worth it, i promise."

Six weeks from now is December 25th, so this works really well with the other goal I already had.

Fitness Goals:
Goal 1: Weigh 135lbs on December 25th.
Goal 2: Be able to do 40 push-ups in a row.
Goal 3: Be able to do 5 good-form dips.

Life Goal:
Pay off one credit-card completely.

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