Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crossfit Lesson OTD:

Ask more questions.

Because when the board says:

Squat Hops
Power Cleans

It means do a set of 21 of each, then 15 of each, then 9 of each.  It does not mean to do 21 of the first thing, then 15 of the second thing, then 9 of the last thing.  Which is what I did (I didn't quite make it through 3 rounds).

Not a tragedy by any means, but I'm pretty sure my legs are going to complain about the extra 15 squats I did.

And for my own personal records:
Power Cleans @ 50lbs

After class finished and I realized I need to speak the fuck up instead of assuming shit, I went upstairs to collect my things.  Only to dig through every part of my bag looking for my wallet, and not find it anywhere.  I also did not find my cell phone.  I'm pretty sure they're just at work, sitting on my desk, but it will be pretty horrible if I get there in the morning and they aren't waiting there to prove my negligence.  Either they fell out of pockets somewhere on the ride to the gym, or someone at the gym swyped them, which would be a pretty horrible prospect.  I'm pretty positive they're at work.

Not finding them, however, meant that I had to ride my bike all the way home.  It's not such a horrible ride, except for the fact that I'd just finished working out, it's raining (pretty hard for Seattle), and my ride home is about 4.5 miles, 3.5 of which is uphill.  HUZZAH.  Bonus wet workout!

In other news,
1) I turned in big homework assignments today!  Now I only have final projects and grants!
2) Big Bang released their new mini-album, which I spazzed about here.
3) For only having really done crossfit for about a week, I feel like I can already see muscle definition in my arms.  That seems pretty awesome to me.  I <3 lifting weights.

I think I'm going to take a hot shower now.  And then make some eggs.  Mmmmmm, eggs.

1 comment:

  1. YES to muscle definition! I am starting to thin out... my scale doesn't think so, but my face and arms know for sure. I haven't been lifting much at all though, so the muscle definition has remained the same. I am hoping if I read more about your squats and other pain I will embrace the STRENGTH part of getting in shape just a bit more. Mmm. Anyway, keep it up and go us!!
